Sunday, October 07, 2007

ritz carlton vs melati

coba tanya, apa bedanya Hotel Ritz Carlton, dan Hotel Melati 1?

kemungkinan jawaban:

  • 'ya kelasnya beda lah, yang satu kelas atas yang lainnya gurem'
  • 'beda nyamannya. yang satu nyaman banget, yang lainnya yah,.. biasa aja'
  • 'beda harga kamarnya, yang satu mahal banget, yang lainnya murah'
  • 'yang satu internasional, yang lainnya lokal banget'
  • dst..


I had a meeting today,.. and we were discussing about hotels. i just arrived at this point where i was really noticing the way people think about differences. some of them would thought differences in ranks, class, or level, while the other would thought that it is just plain different.

sometimes it bothers me when people would think that they should reach, or be in the higher ranks, or higher class. people often doing stupid things (I think) like riding a bmw, spend nights in five star international hotels, dining in fancy restaurants... and so forth.

the very basic things they do is just the same when they do it otherwise (riding japanese cars, spend nights home, and dining in a basic warung padang). The point is you’ll ride, or sleep, or eat anyway. If one thing is relatively better than the other, it depends on what kind of person you are. I prefer to sleep at home than hotels, or ride a japanese cars because maintenance and fuel are cost me less than bmw…

A friend would tell me why: “it is the easiest way to measure differences: ranks and levels”. Somehow it suited people’s mind better than to see things just plain different. No class, no ranks, nor levels.

People measure differences in everything they could possibly think and are easily see things in ranks and levels : from gender to life, from culture to self-concept. So easy it becomes some kind of a mental illness.

and what so sick about it is how people rushed to reach that so called higher level. some are doomed for a life time just because they are born to have different physical and mental qualities, or just born from a wrong parents who do not possess certain qualities.

I believe it otherwise: some things are maybe classified hierarchically, but it is so much lesser than things that aren't.

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