TV People
Our parents were TV people. they spend at least 3 -5 hours infront of the tube everyday.
but it has been a week or so since the old fat tube of my parent's were off. the radio has been a second option since then. but it wont last over than a week. we happened to have a second tv, a smaller one, that were sitting quietly in Garut. that thing was originally planned to be brought to Surabaya (my parent were so pitty of me for not having a tv). And since the big-old ones has off for the second time this year, they change their mind.
my parent didn't understand much, how's a person could life without tv. if they were asked the 'ten things you wish to brought to a deserted island' type of question, i bet TV would come in top 5 answer. it's a survival tool for them :D
- also posted in our blog
saya anak tv om!saya juga bkal bawa tv!saya suka serem kalo malem2 baca buku ataw ngerjain tugas tanpa suara tv, saya harus nyetel tv....ngeri juga yah sayah!
saya lahir, tumbuh dan berkembang bersamanya, kami tak terpisahkan, hehehehehe
iya, cha.. untuk pilihan suara yang menemani,.. aku sering nyetel mp3 aja hehe.. atau nyetel film haha.. sama aja ya.. at least kita bisa atur apa yang mau kita liat atau denger..
tapi, aku juga inget, kenapa dulu waktu SMA suka denger radio.. karena kita ngga tau lagu apa yang bakal kita denger.. mirip kayak tv lah..hehe. tapi, rasanya radio sudah cukup buat saya. saya masih bisa liat koran online buat update berita :)
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