Tuesday, August 02, 2005

the cats and me, and the cats in me

on being an anti-anthropocentrist, maybe i should resist over a kitten who is forcing to burst-in, everytime i open the front door in the middle of the night. that i, as a human should not interfere with natural forces that will select which individual can pass on, and which is not.
but my mind told me... that i have no pitty for my fellow-being, that she could die by tomorow morning.
after a few minute peeking at her from my window curtain, and make sure the warm milk i gave her was drank, i force my self to go to sleep - or i can peek all night for worrying about her.
i keep her out, choose not to let her go inside. she have to stay wild. she will not taste the warm of the house forever, nor the ease we gave her for the nice food. one day she will have to hunt her food, teach and care for her young.
i am a part of nature, so i gave her milk that night. let's say, i am the 'good side of a natural selection'... or whatever.

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1 comment:

erv's scatterbrain said...

Cerita yang mengharukan. Membantu proses seleksi alam dengan menolak domestikasi kucing liar atau sebaliknya meliarkan kucing rumahan? Betapa tipis perbedaannya antara bersikap kejam dan mendidik. Berat untuk menjadi kejam padahal dalam hati benar-benar tak tega. The sound keeps haunting you forever...