Tuesday, July 12, 2005

jakarta backpacking

nobody would backpack in big cities like jakarta. that what i thought before. now, backpacking is not just a matter being away from home, looking for some meaning of life, adventure...etc. NO! backpacking have a way new meaning to me: it's a way of how you feels like you are home, everywhere you are.

the sky is our roof, so the whole earth is our home, and everybody is our sisters and brothers. whereever it is, whenever it is, whoever you are with.

i find a bit of life somewhere in the chaotic scene of jakarta. i find some conciousness buried somewhere within the bodies that was forced to act like machines. hope there's still some love too.

been hit by a truck, left by a boat - and stranded somewhere in a fish market, sleep in a cheap hotel (the kind my professor would never get his feet in), caught by a policeman for using a busway, living with the thousand island's islander without knowing when we can catch the next boat to jakarta - while a presentation was waiting for us in bandung. Walking arround the shopping mall with a two-days-not-bathing perfumed shirt, and a pair of sandal - at the same time we were looking at a 39 million rupiahs diamond ring and wondering what can we buy with that amount of money...

yah,... home is where the heart is..

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erv's scatterbrain said...
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Anonymous said...

(kukulutus mode)
somehow you didn't mention your fellow backpacker anywhere in your blogs.
eniwei...it's nice to know that you weren't so indifferent comparing to the boring office hour.
sort of escapism, i found a little refuge in the North Jakarta's hectic life and Tidung's remote area. at that spur of moments, i frankly didn't care about getting sack from the office...

Anonymous said...

(kukulutus mode)
somehow you didn't mention your fellow backpacker anywhere in your blogs.
eniwei...it's nice to know that you weren't so indifferent comparing to the boring office hour.
sort of escapism, i found a little refuge in the North Jakarta's hectic life and Tidung's remote area. at that spur of moments, i frankly didn't care about getting sack from the office...

Mike said...

welcome to bandung again. it's a nice city isn't it? you never realize how worthy it is until you left it.

Anonymous said...

Great blog. Found your blog while searching for more information at yahoo about jakarta backpacking. Your blog has quite a lot of interesting thoughts. Keep up the good work, Blogger.

backpacking southeast asia